Bryce has long explored psychosocial, cultural, and political dynamics in his work – as well as the notion of painting itself. Issues of contemporary culture and human experience are presented with technical virtuosity, rife with quirky references, humor, and symbolism. His work conveys a clear respect for the formal traditions of American painting, while not being bound to a particular genre, age or philosophy. Bryce's narratives evoke a cleverness, and wit that engage the viewer in his distinctive artistic language. Begin exploring:

San Francisco native and San Diego based visual artist, Mark Bryce’s work is derived from the formal traditions of American painting. As a painter, Bryce pursues an open exploration of painting and uses the fundamental elements—of paint and wood panel—to skillfully investigate contemporary ideas and ideologies. Deeply aware of the historical precedents of realist painting, having studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, he sometimes evokes images and memories, while at other times uses the elements of painting to its own end. Inherent throughout his work over the past four decades are issues of perception and understanding.